《可卡因旅馆》讲述的是古巴侨民罗曼-康普特(Roman Compte)的故事,他曾在猪湾入侵中与菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)作战,并在迈阿密重新开始了自己的生活。他是哗变酒店的总经理,该酒店是 70 年代末和 80 年代初迈阿密可卡因场景的魅力中心。哗变酒店是可卡因的卡萨布兰卡,是一家华丽的夜总会、餐厅和酒店,佛罗里达州的商人和政客、国际缉毒人员、中央情报局和联邦调查局特工、模特、体育明星和音乐家经常光顾。康普特是这一切的中心人物,他竭尽全力维持这一切,实现自己的美国梦。
乔安娜(朱莉娅·奥蒙德 Julia Ormond 饰)育有两个貌美如花的女儿——弗雷亚(珍娜·迪万-塔图姆 Jenna Dewan-Tatum 饰)和英格丽德(瑞秋·波士顿 Rachel Boston 饰),然而,两个女孩所不知道的是,她们的母亲来自于古老的伯查家族,是拥有不朽生命的女巫,而这神秘又充满了诅咒的女巫之血,自然也在弗雷亚和英格丽德的血管中流动着。 弗雷亚即将和达什(艾里克·温特 Eric Winter 饰)订婚,可很显然,她对达什的弟弟肯利亚(丹尼尔·迪托马索 Daniel DiTomasso 饰)更感兴趣,因为对于弗雷亚来说,肯利亚身上散发出的神秘感有着致命的吸引力。乔安娜久违的妹妹温蒂(梅晨·阿米克 Mädchen Amick 饰)现身了,她带来了一个噩耗,有一群不轨之徒企图断绝查伯家的血脉,而乔安娜必须向女儿们揭开她们的身世之谜。
After spending the summer with his mother in Philadelphia, Dawson returns to Capeside and meets a beautiful, outgoing, young woman, named Eve Whitman, on the bus from Philadelphia. Eve soon brings trouble to Dawson's ho-hum life when he accidentally wrecks his father's boat during an outing with her and tries to come up with $3,000 to repair it before Mitch finds out. So, Eve helps out by throwing a rave party at the Leery house with strippers from the club she works at. Meanwhile, Joey, who has frozen Dawson out all summer for forcing her to rat out her father, realizes that she still has feelings for him again when they meet during the first day back at Capeside High as juniors. While working at the Capeside Marina, Joey deals with the come-ons from her sexist boss Rob Logan. Jen gets more than she bargained for when she tries out for Capeside High's cheer leading squad and faces off in a war-of-wits against the mean-spirited head cheerleader, and acquires her position. Also, Mitch gets a new job as Capeside High's varsity football coach, and a new charismatic, but very stern, principal, named Howard Green, arrives to administrate the school.
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.
“少年007”系列剧集《少年间谍》(Alex Rider)正式获续订第三季,本季故事改编自Alex Rider系列小说第五部《毒蝎党》(Scorpia),依旧由Guy Burt担任改编。